Screenplay & Storyboarding
10/11 jan 2013 - 7 april 2013
Thu 12-3pm 05-18 / DM2D Fri 12-3pm 05-24
BLOG: http://storyscript2012.blogspot.sg

Week / Lesson
1 - Loglines, 3 Act, Storytelling, brief for Ex1 & Ex2
2 - Case Study - Trailers - Group Presentation
3 - Characters - What makes them unique & special. Case Studies.
4 - Submit Ex1 & Pitch - My Story adapted from true stories (news articles/mag), Storyboards/Scriptwriting
5 - Story Design 1 & Case Studies
6 - Story Design 2 & Case Studies
7 - Submit Blog & Ex2 & Script Read - Group Presentation
8/9 - Online Test
10 - Submit Assignment - Draft 1
11 - Case Study & Assignment
12 - Case Study & Assignment
13 - Submit Assignment - Final

Monday 15 April 2013


Here are some of your Ex1 storylines...

always recap brief:
1. write your own story based on a true story from a news article
2. story to take place in asia & suitable for a 5min screenplay
3. involves one dominant cultural /social issue

2D Nithin's Story
(yes, Nithin may not have written his story according to the 3Act but look at how he has written the storyline... notice how he builds his story by letting the reader know more about the key character and her dreams... this is called character development, where you provide info about your character for the audience to know them better such that the audience will feel for the character later in the story... building up the story for that "tragic moment"...)


TITLE:                                 WOLFS
GENRE:                              Tragedy

Anti rape activism (cultural issue - rape victims are embarrassed by the crime, do not report the crime for fear of being criticized & labelled... social issue - how much are rape victims protected by the law? what is considered justice in a rape case?)

LOGLINE: A female physiotherapy intern was beaten and gang raped. She died from her injuries in thirteen days later while under going emergency treatment.

She was a student. She was 22. She was coming back from a date with her boyfriend. Her fault: she boarded the wrong bus. And oh yeah, SHE WAS A GIRL!!! Six men raped her one by one. And left her to die on the road. Naked. Wounded. Exposed. Devastated. What’s more no one even turned to look at her. No one even bothered to throw a shawl on the ill-clad, ill-fated girl. She can never lead a normal married life again. She has gone into coma five times since 16th December. She is unconscious, critical and hasn’t been able to stop crying. But don’t worry, she wasn’t your sister. She wasn’t your daughter. But she could be. The brutality has to stop right here guys. These people deserve a capital punishment for their heinous, pervert act. This Story is going through the cruel moments which an innocent female had in her life. To talk about the rights of woman and the all men have to respect woman.

Meera wakes up in the morning hearing the noisy ring of her alarm clock. Rubbing at her eye unwillingly, she momentarily stretched her hands before groping for her alarm clock to switch it off. Sitting up on her bed upright she skimmed around her bag for her glasses. She picked up her phone and her face  lit up instantly, smiling to herself she looked at the mirror.

In matter of ten minutes she got herself ready and looked at her gorgeous reflection at the mirror. If there was something that got her to smile early in the morning, it could only be Ravi’s text. Her mind was in a state of nervous jeopardy , and she her thoughts kept wandering to weather Ravi will propose to her or not.

It was a beautiful morning and Meera could see Ravi’s bright demeanor. The Rest of the day passed in a complete haze from coffee to movie to a romantic candle light dinner. Meera could still remember Ravi’s face and his bright eager eyes when he held her hand and looked deep into her eyes. It was a moment of oblivion. She though that it may not be real. He just asked one question. The question he she had been hoping to hear all day long. “will you marry me?” he asked. His face looked expectant and her voice faltered when she fought with her own emotions and looked back at his face. “yes” she said and the world was complete.

The both of them sunk completely into a moment of euphoria and they were meant to be, This was the only part of  her day that she remembered with so much clarity. The day was done and Ravi waited at the bus stand to drop her home. Along the lone street , the Delhi street corners were dark and dreary. To the couple though , the world seems to be full of light. They finally boarded a bus that turned around with a lot of noise. It was getting late for Meera.

The bus seemed quite empty at first btut later the couple realized that they were not alone. The laughter of some teenage boys filled the air and Ravi started to feel uncomfortable as they came a bit closer to Mira. The couple remained silent and weary. Some of the boys , the older one in particular started goading Ravi.  They could see trouble was coming their way.

A sudden attack from the back of ravi’s head made him momentarily falter in his seat. Grasping all his energy he tried to protect Meera out of harm’s way but in vain. He was outnumbered.  And the last moments of his life all he could see was a vision of his girlfriend Being brutally molested and abused. The previous hour’s happiness seemed to be a false Dream. Meera screamed filled the air…and Ravi’s breath slowly stopped.

She frantically tried to fight her way out of the bus but brute force over rides her good will. She tried to find solace in her unconscious boyfriend’s arms. His body twitched with life but he was too weak to protect her. Her fellow passengers pulled her from behind and away from her dear Ravi.

The pack of wolves found their pleasure in an ultimate feast. Ravi’s dimmed vision could see his girlfriends injured and brutally attacked body. The predators were busy hunting. Ravi pulled every last bit of energy in his body and slid himself behind a bus seat. He stealthily picks up his mobile phone and calls the police, with great effort so that no one would divert his attention to him.

Delhi Police force was surprisingly quick to Ravi’s surprise. Within a matter of minutes, the bus was made to stop and the attackers were arrested immediately. Mira’s body was wounded and injured beyond imagination. Ravi couldn’t bear to put eyes on his almost destroyed girlfriend but there was still life beating in her body. She was immediately hospitalized and given emergency care. It took years for Mira to recover from the emotional and mental shock.

2D Nadia's Story


GENRE:         Psychological thriller/Crime
TARGET AUDIENCE: Adults & youth (violence)

Schizophrenic Murder (think the issue is that this mental illness can become a danger to self & society if not diagnosed or treated... there seems to be a double tragedy - where both mental patient and his victims suffer. story also provides a glimpse into child abuse as social issue...)

A Schizophrenic man believe he is a superhero saving innocent lives when in reality he murders them brutally

Wearing a costume to disguise himself, Phoenix a schizophrenic lurks in the dark, believing he is saving innocent lives when in reality he butchers them violently. Having been arrested and awaiting trial, he stands firm on his heroic deeds.

Wearing a costume, Phoenix lurked into the dark and enters a house occupied by a family of five. Slamming the door open, “I’m here to help!” phoenix exclaimed. Imagining the house has caught fire, he ran to one of the inhabitants and says, “Trust me, I’ll let you out safely!”

Sadly, Phoenix is suffered by a rare case of Schizophrenia, and seemed unable to differentiate between what is reality and his imagination. He sees himself as a superhero protecting innocent lives.
This is the story according to Phoenix’s shattered mind:

Phoenix led the couple the way out of the flaming house, covering them with his cape to protect them from the burning sensation. Next, he rushed into the house again to save the young daughter of the couple, carrying her safely out of the burned house going through levels of soaring fire, returning the daughter to her beloved parents. The couple, without hesitation, thanked him for his heroic deeds.

But in reality….

In the first place, the house is in a perfect condition. It was just another cold, gloomy night. Phoenix grabbed the couple from their back, using his cape to strangle them. He held on to their necks tightly for a few minutes until blood was oozing profusely from their necks. Next, he turned to the distraught daughter who had witness the whole scene. Frightened, she ran out of the house. However, Phoenix was much faster than her. Catching her by the neck, he starts to skin the innocent child with his fingernails. The girl screamed as the pain was far too excruciating, He carried her put her on top of her dead parent. 

“Dad must be proud of me!” he gleamed. 

For years, Phoenix had always been striving to make his father proud of him. In his childhood, he was abused by his own father, and was no stranger to physical and sexual assault. He was used to being beaten with a leather belt and belittlement by his father. To him, however, his father was just being a good parent teaching his son about discipline.

Leaving the house, Phoenix’s costume was soaked in blood.   

‘Put your hands in the air, several police officers exclaimed in unison.

Without reluctance he went to the police to be handcuffed and went straight into the car. However, his mind was playing tricks on him again; to him the police had come to reward his good heroic deeds.
During an interrogation by the police, he stood firm that he had not killed even a single life. The police did not believe a single word said. Having been arrested and now awaiting trial, he was brought to court.

He showed no remorse or empathy for victims as the judge strucked his gavel. 

Phoenix was charged of murder and was sentenced to death.

As soon he hears the word: DEATH’,

He turned completely berserk.

His mind started playing tricks on him. 

He became delusional.

He began hallucinating, imagining that people in the courtroom just suddenly caught on fire.

Once again Phoenix was out of control. Using his strength, he breaks free from his handcuffs. He pounced on the judge and stabbed the judge continuously on the chest with the sharp edges of his broken handcuff. He grabbed a pistol from the security guard and starts shooting randomly.

It didn’t take long before he realized something was amiss. A policeman had fired at him. Blood was pouring from his chest. Phoe nix looked at his bloodied shirt, but instead of seeing red, he muttered to himself, “why is Father staring at me in anger?”

Phoenix slumped sideways, hitting the floor headfirst. The chaotic racket engulfing the courtroom has stopped to silence, as they watched several policemen taking his body away.

2D LayZin's Story


TITLE:                Nightmare
GENRE:                tragedy/crime/drama
TARGET AUDIENCE:        Teenage to adult, 18 year old and onwards

After I read that documentary of true crime story, all of victims came from weird or poor family that leads them to do something or wrong thinking to do because of the poverty. Almost all trafficked victims are young people who want a better future for their struggling families, but they are vulnerable to exploitation because they are trusting, not prepared for life in a foreign country, and have limited employment. Why the people treated bad to other people especially weak people? Are they lacking of love and concern, that what came into my mind. Sometime, we trust a lot the person who will give the good chance for the life. We shouldn’t believe anybody like friends even relatives because we don’t know the trick of the human beings when we are not getting the full knowledge of the society.

A teenage girl who is struggle in poor family receives a job from her friend. But she doesn’t about her fortune will be worst after she gets that job.

A 17 years old girl, who is the eldest from the poor family, wants to support her family .One day she persuades the broker to get a well-paying job. But she had been duped and escorted to the border of Myanmar’s with China. But one day she can ran and escape from the border and she faces a lot of difficulties on the way back to her home.


Thazin, a 17-year-old Burmese girl had been running for the past few years in Myanmar was doing so poorly. There are a lot of family members in her family. She gave up her study when she was 12 years old because of her family poor condition. So she had the responsibility of her family as she is the eldest child of her parents, Thazin wanted money to support her family. So she was looking for a job to struggle her life.

Meanwhile, her friend introduced Thazin to the strange person as the broker. The broker persuaded to her as she will get a well-paying work in the textile shop at the town of the borderline between Myanmar and China. When she decided to work the job from the broker, she left her home town together with the broker, Htet Htet. But she had been duped. After taking food and drink offered to her by the broker, Thazin fell asleep – and woke up to discover she had been smuggled into China. On arriving in China, all three were forced to marry men they’d never set eyes on before: farmers, construction workers and labourers, typical of many who, after decades of a Chinese one-child policy and a cultural preference for male offspring, are unable to find a Chinese bride, let alone pay her dowry.

Thazin cried and begged the brokers to let her go when she found out what was happening to her - but she couldn't escape from the stranger who had paid  to marry her. The hepless young girl had nowhere else to go but to return back to her home. But the traffickers, having already struck a deal and received some advance money, tried to force Thazin to accept her marriage.

Suddenly she had been locked up the tiny room which is dark and cold. She had beaten, Tortured, starved, humiliated by the Chinese men and they asked her “Will you marry me?” Since she argued, they were continuous beating.

But one day, the Chinese man picked her up to somewhere around the market. At that time, she decided and tried to run whatever she faces even she died from the beasts. So she ran and escaped from the Chinese man who bought me from a broker to be his wife when he went to the toilet one day. She ran and ran to get the place as safe from the people who are tortured and humiliated.

Finally she found the shop name which is written by the Myanmar Language in the market. She asked the shop owner who is half Chinese and half Myanmar to help her and bring back her to the immigration.

At the immigration of the borderline between Myanmar and China, she sent to Immigration prison for a year. Eventually visited by a Myanmar Embassy official Thazin was deported home. The drama ends with Thazin’s reunification with his family, but reintegration back home is difficult.

At the end of the drama the teenagers engage their audience with messages which encourage safe migration, learning about cultural differences, foreign languages, and legal documentation to protect people from exploitation.

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